Watch The Hot Heiress 1931 American Film

The Hot Heiress (1931)

Socialite Juliette Hunter meets construction worker Hap Harrigan when a hot rivet flies through her bedroom window and starts a fire. Faking illness, Julie stays in bed that day so she can watch Hap work on the building next door. She invites him to have lunch with her and, during the meal, they discuss the possibility of love between two people of different classes. Encouraged by the conversation, Hap asks Julie out for the next evening. Clay, a young man of Julie’s class, proposes to Julie the same day, but she is too interested in Hap to accept. Her date with Hap is a success. She likes his friends, Bill Dugan and Margie, and they like her. When asked by her family about why she refused Clay, Julie tells them about Hap, letting them think he is really an architect. She invites Hap, Bill and Margie to a house party in the country, so that Hap can meet her parents. There, Clay learns Hap’s real profession, and when Hap asks Mr. Hunter for permission to marry Julie, Clay reveals what he has discovered. Hap is angry that Julie didn’t think his job was good enough for her family and breaks off their engagement. Julie cannot forget Hap, however, and when she sees Margie in a nightclub, she obtains the address of his current construction site. Renting a room overlooking the construction site, she invites Hap to have lunch with her. When he refuses, she climbs out on the scaffolding, bringing the lunch to him. Julie agrees to live on Hap’s salary and insists that they get married that very day. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch The Hot Heiress (1931)