Watch Babes In Arms 1939 American Film

Babes in Arms (1939)

When vaudeville is eclipsed by the motion picture, Mickey Moran’s parents, vaudeville troupers Joe and Florrie Moran, find bookings scarce. However, Mickey, who was born backstage at New York’s Palace Theatre, remains undaunted and determines to write a show to be presented by the kids of the old vaudevillians in his hometown of Seaport, Long Island. In order to reach his goal, Mickey has to contend with many adversities, among which are the threats of Martha Steele, the head of the welfare board, who wants to send the youngsters to work school; the temperamental ego of Baby Rosalie Essex, the child star who is bankrolling the show; and the jealousy of Patsy Barton, his girl friend, who sees a rival in Baby Rosalie. Mickey manages to overcome all these problems, but is unable to control the weather when a hurricane washes away the show in mid-performance. Just when things look their blackest and Mrs. Steele is about to swoop the children off to work school, Mickey receives word that Harry Maddox, a New York producer, has decided to stage the show on Broadway. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Festival Film- Awards & Festivals
Academy Awards, 1940- Nominations for Best Actor, Best Music

Watch Babes in Arms (1939)

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