Watch The Sin Of Madelon Claudet (1931) American Film

The Sin of Madelon Claudet (1931)

In Paris, Alice Claudet, the wife of Dr. Lawrence Claudet, tells her friend, Dr. Dulac, that she is leaving her husband because he pays more attention to his charity patients than to her. Dulac, an old friend of Larry’s, knows that the young woman has made many sacrifices for her husband, but he also knows that another woman, Larry’s mother, Madelon Claudet, has made even larger sacrifices for him. Hoping to inspire Alice, Dulac tells her the story of Madelon Claudet: Many years earlier in rural France, Madelon’s father owns a farm located near a medical school, which attracts many students, including a young man named Larry, an American with whom Madelon falls in love. Soon after they decide to marry, Larry receives a cablegram from home advising him to return immediately because his father has suffered a stroke. Though Larry longs for Madelon following his departure, he accepts the will of his parents, who arrange for him to marry an American girl. Meanwhile in France, Madelon gives birth to Larry’s baby, and though she initially does not want to look at the infant, she soon grows to love the boy. Without any means by which to support the child, Madelon accepts money and jewels from the wealthy Carlo Boretti, who makes Madelon his mistress. When Madelon’s father arranges for her to marry Hubert, a Normandy farmer, she readily accepts, though she is immediately rejected by the man when he learns that she has a child whom she refuses to give up. After placing the boy, now called Larry, in the custody of her friends, Victor and Rosalie, Madelon continues her relationship with Carlo and sends them money to support the child. One day, when Rosalie asks Madelon for more money, which she needs because Victor has gambled away their farm, Madelon gives her a valuable ring that Carlo had given her as a gift. The ring, however, is soon discovered to be stolen property when Carlo is arrested on charges of theft. He admits that the ring and all his other jewels were stolen, and while being dragged off by the police, commits suicide. Though innocent, Madelon is put on trial for Carlo’s crimes; she is found guilty of being his accomplice and is sentenced to ten years in prison. In 1919, ten years later, Madelon is released. She tries to take her son of out the state boarding school, where he has been kept after Victor was killed. However, Madelon is told that they will not release him until she can prove that she can support him. Years pass and, unknown to Larry, Madelon has become a prostitute in order to put him through medical school. When Larry finally becomes a successful physician, the old and destitute Madelon visits him at his home but does not tell him who she is. Dulac ends the story by telling Alice that he met the frail but proud Madelon on the street in front of her son’s house and arranged to have Larry support her without her or his knowledge. Having been shown how selfish she has been, Alice promises to reform, and then suggests that Dulac bring Madelon to live with them so she will be reminded of how lucky she is to have Larry. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Academy Awards, 1932- Winner: Best Actres
Venice Film Festival, 1932- 3 wins including: Most Favorite Actress (Audience Referendum)

Watch The Sin of Madelon Claudet (1931)