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Top Speed (1930)

At the fashionable Lackawanna Lodge, where they are spending the last day of their vacation, bond clerks Jerry and Elmer decide to stay for another day to watch the speedboat race. At the last minute, Rollins, a boat owner, fires his pilot and induces Jerry to substitute and throw the race. Jerry then plans to accept half the payoff which Elmer, having boasted of being a millionaire, bets on Rollins’ boat. Jerry wins the race but is confronted by a sheriff who claims that he and Elmer are wanted for the theft of a bond; but Elmer, who finds the missing certificate, turns it over to the sheriff. Then, with sighs of relief, both boys embrace their girls.
The original 80-minute version, a full musical, was released only outside of the United States. Most of the musical numbers were cut for the domestic version. It is unknown whether a print of this longer version still exists, although the complete soundtrack to the International Sound Version (which includes all of the original songs) survives on Vitaphone discs at the UCLA Film and Television Archives. More on Wikipedia

Watch Top Speed (1930)