
The Dawn Patrol (1930)

In 1915, Major Brand, commander of the 59th British Squadron in France, despairs that he is becoming the executioner of the young fliers in his squadron, who are being sent to their deaths in inferior planes. Brand breaks off relations with ace Dick Courtney when he and his best friend, Douglas Scott, defy orders to go over German lines and narrowly escape. When Brand is called to headquarters, he happily turns his command over Courtney, who is at first relieved, thinking that Brand lacked heart. When he soon comes to realize the burdens of his responsibilities, though, Courtney begins to drink heavily. Some time later, Scott’s eager young brother Gordon arrives at the post among the new replacements. Scott is overjoyed at his arrival, but when Courtney orders Gordon to fly his first mission, Scott begs him to spare his younger brother. Courtney has no other choice but to send Gordon, and when the young man dies, Scott angrily accused Courtney of murder and breaks off their friendship. Days later, Brand who has been given the assignment of blowing up a munition dump behind German lines, returns to the squadron. Scott demands to go on the one-man mission, which will mean that he must face the seemingly invincible German ace Von Richter. Courtney agrees, but the night before the dawn flight, plies his old friend with liquor and goes out himself to avenge Gordon’s death. The mission is successful, but Courtney is killed in a fierce air battle with Von Richter. That night, as Scott waits for Courtney’s return, Von Richter flies overhead and drops the message, “the gallant gentleman died this afternoon.” More on Wikipedia

Watch The Dawn Patrol aka Flight Commander (1930)