Watch Hell Harbor (1930)

Hell Harbor (1930)

Anita, the daughter of a descendant of Morgan, the pirate, lives with her unscrupulous father, Harry, on a Caribbean island. Joseph Horngold, a pearl trader, seeing Morgan kill a stranger in the island honky-tonk, bargains with him, proposing that he marry Anita as the price for his silence; but the strong-willed Anita refuses to submit to her father’s demands. She tells Bob Wade, an American trader, of her father’s plans and warns him of her father and Joseph’s treachery; consequently, he agrees to protect her. Anita steals Joseph’s pearls; and when he accuses Morgan of the theft, Morgan kills the trader and menaces the girl with a similar fate. Learning of her peril, Wade comes to her aid and charges Morgan with the murder. Ultimately, Wade and Anita are happily reunited. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Hell Harbor (1930)