Get That Girl 1932447856 Ci

Get That Girl (1932)

Ruth Dale is being followed by three menacing men, one of whom is dressed as a woman. She takes a taxi to the train station and mistakenly believes that tractor salesman Dick is following her. Ruth is surprised when he sits next to her on the train and is reading the same magazine, but after she gets a telegram warning her that she is being followed, she rebuffs him and goes to her compartment. Later, they are seated together at dinner, but Ruth refuses to speak to him, even though he is polite. Later in the evening, Ruth tells an elderly woman’s fortune using tarot cards. When the lady sees Dick approach, she assumes he is Ruth’s husband and leaves the two alone together. Ruth relaxes and they enjoy a conversation and continue to meet throughout the trip. On the day they are to arrive at their destination, Ruth tells Dick she knows who he is and that if he continues to follow her, he will get into trouble. Dick is mystified by her statement, but is subsequently framed by her actual pursuers, who have him thrown off the train by the conductor for causing a disturbance. The pursuers trick Ruth into their cabin, and when the conductor comes to tell them that their stop is coming up, he suspects nothing as he believes there was already a woman in the cabin. Dick is held at the train station by a policeman, but when he opens the magazine he had on the train, he finds Ruth’s telegram and discovers she is in trouble. When the officer does not believe his story, Dick escapes and steals a motorcycle from another policeman and catches up with the train at the next stop. He finds a letter in Ruth’s compartment from her lawyer, which reveals that Ruth is due for an inheritance, but a mysterious stranger is trying to prevent her from obtaining it. Dick sees the kidnappers drive off with Ruth and, eluding the police, steals a police car and follows the kidnappers to a remote mansion. They are received by Dr. Sandro Tito, who runs a fraudulent sanitarium as a cover for his secret experiments in which he turns young women into mannequins. The kidnappers try to force Ruth to sign a release form relinquishing her inheritance, but when she refuses, they warn her that she will be held there permanently, and therefore will lose her inheritance by default. Dick arrives and pretends that he needs to use the phone, but Sandro’s wife Nedra refuses to allow him entry, so he sneaks in through a window. After Dick discovers a body in one room, it disappears, and when he locates the body of a woman on a table in another room it, too, disappears before he can break in. Dick then encounters a plumber, who has gotten drunk on wine he found in the cellar, and makes him promise to rescue him if he signals by rapping on the radiator three times. Dick is nearly captured, but defeats the kidnappers and finds Ruth, who, realizing he is her friend, apologizes for her behavior on the train. They plan to sneak out of the house, but Dick is caught while trying to get a ladder and is taken to the laboratory, where he is bound and gagged. Schultz, one of the kidnappers, protests to Sandro about his dreadful intentions for Ruth, and when Schultz says he will quit, Sandro kills him. In the laboratory, Nedra offers to help Dick escape if he will leave with her, as she is tired of the activities of her husband, who treats her more like a maid than a wife. Dick agrees, but they are interrupted when Sandro and accomplices come in and prepare a deadly gas formula, leaving Dick alone in the room to die. When police, who have followed Dick to the mansion, ring the doorbell, Sandro and his accomplices don hospital uniforms to maintain their cover. Nedra removes the gas from the laboratory, saving Dick, who escapes into the house and tries to alert the police. His story is not believed, however, and Sandro explains that he is a patient of the hospital. Sandro then tries to hypnotize Ruth into memory loss, but it does not work, so she is taken into the laboratory. where Sandro prepares another gas treatment and leaves Ruth, bound, to die. In the meantime, Dick escapes the police by leaping out of their speeding car, then stealing it while they look for him. He crashes through the estate gates and into the house, where, after fighting off many men, he beats Sandro, who falls out of a window and dies a grisly death at the jaws of his guard dogs. Dick rescues Ruth, and the police arrive. Later, Dick and Ruth are once again on the train, and decide to marry. More on Wikipedia

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