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Female (1933)

Alison Drake, president of a large automobile company she took over after her father’s death, is cynical about love. She casually seduces the attractive men in her company, but the brief, meaningless affairs only add to her boredom and confirm her belief that men, like women, can be bought with money and power. One night, in search of excitement, Alison goes to a shooting gallery and meets an attractive young man, who surprises her by declining her sexual advances. The next day, she meets the young man at the company and discovers that he is Jim Thorne, the prominent automobile designer she has just hired, sight unseen. She coolly discusses business with him, then, following her usual pattern, invites him to her home for dinner that night. Expecting another conquest after plying him with vodka, Alison is surprised when Jim rebuffs her again and insists that their relationship remain strictly business. Determined to break him, Alison successfully tricks Jim into meeting her alone on what he was told would be a company picnic in the country. Finally charmed when Alison behaves in a more down-to-earth manner, Jim succumbs to her. When he asks her to marry him, though, it is she who turns him down. Furious, Jim quits the company and leaves town. Finally realizing that she cares more for Jim than her company, Alison follows him, determined that even a financial meeting in New York that is critical to the survival of her company is not worthwhile. When she finally catches up with Jim at a carnival shooting gallery, she tearfully admits that she was willing to risk bankruptcy to find him. He accepts her love, then, affirming that no one will take her company away from her, he takes the wheel of her car and races toward New York so that she will be there on time for the meeting. As they are driving, she happily reveals that, after they marry, she plans to let him run the company while she stays at home to take care of their children. More on Wikipedia

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