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Forgotten (1933)

Papa Strauss, a poor widower living in New York’s East Side with his daughter Lena and two sons, Louis and Hans, becomes wealthy over the years as his dye manufacturing company proves to be a success. Louis and Hans marry social climbers and soon develop designs on their father’s profitable business. Lena is in love with Joseph Meyers, a poor chemist and inventor, and her father approves of their plans to marry. While Lena is away in the West visiting a dying friend of her father’s, the sons and their wives induce Papa to retire because of his age. Forced to live in an old men’s home after his sons shunt him, Papa is miserable at having nothing to do and is only visited by his sons once a week. When Lena returns, she berates her brothers and takes her father to live at her apartment. With Lena and Joseph, Papa starts a business to compete with his sons’ company with the patented new dye process developed by Joseph. After the sons are forced to merge with their rival, Papa reveals to them that he is their competitor, and the family is happily reunited. More on Wikipedia

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