Watch Adventure In Sahara 1938

Adventure in Sahara (1938)

Jim Wilson decides to investigate his brother’s death in the French Foreign Legion by becoming a legionnaire himself. Wilson requests the same regiment as his brother’s, and is sent to Fort Agadez, the last French outpost in the Sahara. Under the ruthless command of Captain Savatt, the troops are constantly under attack from Arabs. One day, when Wilson is sent on patrol to search for Arab marauders, he rescues his girl friend, aviatrix Carla Preston, who has been searching the desert for him. Savatt uses this incident to place Wilson in solitary confinement. Upon his release, Wilson leads the restive men in a mutiny. Savatt is overthrown and the troop’s respected second-in-command, Lieutenant Dumond, is imprisoned. Savatt and his loyal troops are sent with minimal supplies into the desert, where they are picked off one at a time by Arab ambushers, but Savatt is able to make his way to Fort Tienne. Meanwhile, at Agadez, discipline among the men breaks down and food runs short. As the fort is about to be abandoned, Savatt returns, leading his avenging troops. As Savatt’s men batter down the gate, Arabs attack, and both groups of legionnaires unite to fight off the attack. After the Arabs are repulsed, the mutineers are held for court-martial. At Wilson’s trial, Dumond testifies against Savatt, and after Savatt is relieved of his command, he shoots himself. The court is lenient in sentencing the mutineers, and Wilson and Carla look forward to a reunion in Paris after his release from prison. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Adventure in Sahara (1938)