Watch Along Came Love 1936

Along Came Love (1936)

Emmy Grant, an ashcan salesgirl in Tracy’s Department Store, is starstruck after learning about the Orion constellation during a planetarium show, and becomes convinced that the human configuration of the stars, a hunter, is her ideal man. When she meets theater doorman John Patrick O’Ryan, she realizes that he is the embodiment of her ideal, and falls in love with him, even though he is more interested in his medical studies than her. John’s patron, Dr. Martin, and his daughter, Mrs. Gould, who is the manager of the department store, encourage the romance, and soon John and Emmy decide to marry. Emmy’s mother, former burlesque star Minnie Grant, is thrilled by the union, but realizes that they cannot support themselves and her, and gets a job performing in burlesque. The theatre is raided, however, and Minnie is arrested. Dr. Martin believes that Minnie’s notoriety will hurt John’s chances of getting a hospital position and convinces Emmy to give John up. After three months, Emmy’s former supervisor, Mr. Vincent, finds her selling orangeade and entreats her to return to work at the department store, where he has also hired her mother to sing songs in the music department. Mr. Vincent announces that he is getting married, and believing that he intends to marry Emmy, Mrs. Gould tells John, who interrupts the wedding, only to discover that Mr. Vincent is marrying Minnie. Emmy and John reunite, and participate in the ceremony, thereby making it a double wedding. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Along Came Love (1936)