Watch Ambush 1939 American Film

Ambush (1939)

Gibbs, the ruthless leader of a gang of bank robbers, engineers a spectacular daylight robbery with the aid of a vapor spraying machine. His well-laid plans go awry, however, when gang member Charlie Hartman’s sister Jane, a stenographer at the bank, stumbles upon the getaway. Gibbs then abducts Jane, who, after her spineless brother is wounded in the escape, lures truck driver Tony Andrews into the service of the fugitives, hoping to save both Charlie and herself. As the police trail the truck’s tire tracks across the country, Tony tosses a warning note to a motorcycle cop. At a truck stop, the cop shoots Sidney Blue, one of the robbers, and Tony, feigning allegiance to the thieves, speeds off in the truck and loses their pursuers. On Tony’s advice, Gibbs flies his hostages and Randall, the one remaining gang member, to a secluded cabin in the mountains. When Gibbs and Tony go to town for supplies, Tony steals some watches to alert the police. The storekeeper informs the sheriff of the theft, who then goes in pursuit of Tony and Webb. Meanwhile, at the cabin, the remorseful Charlie forces Randall into the plane, hoping to draw the attention of the authorities. When Randall resists, Charlie knocks him unconscious and crashes the plane. When Gibbs and Tony return, a fight ensues in which Tony is knocked down. At that moment, the police arrive, drawn by Charlie’s signal, and Gibbs takes Jane hostage. Tony revives and rescues Jane, and after the police arrest Gibbs, Tony proposes to Jane and deposits the reward into a joint bank account. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Ambush (1939)