Watch And Sudden Death 1936 American Film

And Sudden Death (1936)

Police lieutenant James Knox, chief of traffic, takes a personal interest in repeat speeding offender Betty Winslow. After she and her wealthy family attend traffic school, Betty comprehends the dangers of speeding, but her family continues to drive recklessly. When Betty’s car breaks down on the way to a party, James rescues her, and they head toward the party, but first stop at a home for sale and play house, pretending they live there. When they finally reach the party, everyone is leaving. Because her brother Jackie is drunk, Betty insists on driving his car, while James takes the rest of the family. At a police brake-testing site, Betty is warned that the brakes on the car are severely worn, and she is not to drive over 30 m.p.h. Betty and Jackie stop for cigarettes, and Jackie takes the wheel, refusing to let Betty drive. Speeding down a road, he smashes into a busload of children. Bobby Sanborn, a policeman’s son, dies on the operating table as a result of his injuries in the accident. Betty takes the blame for the accident and is found guilty of second degree murder and imprisoned. Remorseful about his cowardice, Jackie intends to confess to James. In the meantime, James has determined that Jackie was driving and is relieved that Betty is not guilty. Jackie is unable to confess, however, and runs out of the house away from James. James and his partner pursue Jackie until his car crashes into a bridge and plunges into the water. Just before he dies in the hospital, Jackie confesses. Betty is released and she and James are married. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch And Sudden Death (1936)