Watch Andy Hardy Meets Debutante 1940

Andy Hardy Meets Debutante (1940)

Moonstruck by the image of Daphne Fowler, New York’s reigning debutante, Carvel’s Andy Hardy brags to his friends “Beezy” and Polly Benedict, the editors of his high school paper, that he is good friends with the socialite, whom he has never met. Andy’s words return to haunt him when his father, Judge James K. Hardy, packs his family off to New York to protect the endowment of the Carvel orphanage. When Beezy and Polly threaten to print the story of Andy’s romance, Andy realizes that to save face, he must prove his friendship with Daphne, and sets out to meet her. In New York, Andy is greeted by his old friend, Betsy Booth, who has a crush on Andy, but he ignores Betsy in his pursuit of Daphne. Andy soon discovers that royalty does not mingle with the common folk, and so he dons airs of affluence to meet Daphne. When Andy hears Daphne’s radio broadcast inviting her listeners to a dog lovers benefit at an expensive restaurant, Andy eagerly attends, but his pretext of wealth gets him in trouble when he is unable to pay his huge bill and is humiliated by the club’s manager. Judge Hardy is also having difficulties in New York, and it looks as if he might lose his case for the orphanage. Andy’s misery mounts when he receives an advance copy of the school paper featuring the humiliating story of his romance with Daphne. Recognizing his son’s unhappiness, Judge Hardy tries to make Andy realize that all men are created equal and snobbery is not to be admired, but he fails in his mission. Although the principles of equal opportunity fail to touch Andy, they inspire Judge Hardy to recast his case for the orphanage, and he wins the suit in court. The judge’s victory proves to Andy the importance of equality and he renounces his snobbery. Andy then confides his predicament to Betsy, who solves his problems by introducing him to her good friend Daphne, thus allowing Andy to return home triumphant with a photo of Daphne embracing him. More on Wikipedia Or Mubi

Watch Andy Hardy Meets Debutante (1940)