Watch Arizona Days 1937

Arizona Days (1937)

Tex Malinson and his sidekick, “Grass” Hopper, are a couple of roaming cowboys who follow Professor McGill’s Minstrel Show hoping to get a part. Tex pays off McGill’s debts in exchange for a part and sings at an opera house in Tombstone, Arizona. After Harry Price and his gang enter the theater without paying, Tex holds them up during his performance, but gets only the price of admission from them. Price and his gang sneak out, after which McGill’s wagon train is burned. Sheriff Ed Higginbotham introduces Tex as a hero to Joe Workman, county commissioner, who hires Tex as a tax collector and gives him room and board at his own ranch, where Tex meets Joe’s daughter, Marge and little Billy. Price and his gang threaten to run Tex out, but he makes a deal with Price that if he wins a duel between the two, Price must pay his back taxes. Tex wins by shooting the gun out of Price’s hand. As Tex gives little Billy a music lesson, accompanied by Marge, Price sneaks up from behind and intending to kill Tex, shoots Billy, killing him. Thinking he killed Tex, Price is surprised to see him enter the saloon to collect the tax money. On their way to Tombstone, Tex and Grass are ambushed by Price’s gang, and Grass rides back to the ranch for help and ammunition. The gang attempts to steal the tax money from Tex’s saddlebags, but they find only hay. Tex then surprises them, holds them at gunpoint and fights with Price, who escapes after knocking Tex out. After Tex revives, he pursues Price and captures him in time to turn him over to the sheriff. Tex and Marge marry and return to Professor McGill’s show with Grass. More on Wikipedia

Watch Arizona Days (1937)