Watch At The Circus 1939 American Film

At the Circus (1939)

Having foresaken a life of luxury in the mansions of Newport for the sawdust of the Wilson Wonder Circus, Jeff Wilson is now in danger of losing his beloved bigtop unless he can pay the $10,000 that he owes his partner, John Carter. Believing that an attorney can solve any problem, Antonio, a circus employee, sends for his old friend, attorney J. Cheever Loophole. Meanwhile, Carter, who does not want to reliquish his share of the circus, conspires with the strongman, Goliath, to rob the unsuspecting Jeff. After Goliath steals the money, Antonio, Loophole and Antonio’s friend Punchy search for incriminating evidence, but Antonio bungles the investigation. Hence, when Loophole discovers that Jeff has a rich aunt, Suzanah Dukesbury, living in Newport, he decides to extract the money from her. Arriving on the eve of Mrs. Dukesbury’s social extravaganza, Loophole is mistaken by the grand dame as a representative of the distinguished French conductor, Jardinet, who is to play at the party. Taking advantage of the situation, Loophole wheedles a $10,000 fee from the wealthy widow and telephones Jeff to bring the circus to Newport for a performance. As Mrs. Dukesbury awaits the arrival of the prestigious symphony, she is appalled to hear not the strings of Beethoven but the calliope of the circus. Carter then attempts to sabotage the circus one more time, but fails, and the show goes on. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch At the Circus (1939)