Bura Duse 2019 Croatian Film

Bura duše (2019) Eng.sub

The veterans’ population from 1990’s is one of the most vulnerable groups in Croatia. 3215 veterans committed suicide between 1991 and 2019, and that number is still rising. These suicides are a painful lament, a cry of the dying, an appeal for help. They are a deafening alarm to those who have ears to hear.

It is sufficient to take a look at the horrifying data on the number of suicides, not only of the veterans, but of their wives and children as well. That is why we want to approach this problem in a specific and different way: by the examples of those who have overcome that problem and have managed to find much desired spiritual peace and satisfaction.

The protagonists of our film are three veterans, Dražen Hrženjak, Zvonko Kovačić and Darko Horvat, who have fought through numerous battlefields throughout Croatia and have witnessed countless casualties. They are authentic examples of how God can turn trials into victory, sickness into health, tragedy into triumph. This is one completely different view on a Croatian veteran’s life, before and after the Homeland War. The film is actually more focused on the present and the future rather than the past, dealing with the current psychological and spiritual condition of the veterans, more than with the situations they have experienced, which have already been recounted many times and are thus well known to all.

This film is a catalyst for each war veteran, for every member of their family and for any viewer willing to shake off depression and despair and to embark on the renewal of their soul, with their hearts and minds opened. 

The film was co-produced by MEDIA 53 and Military Christian Fellowship of Croatia Association, co-funded by the Ministry of Croatian Veterans’ Affairs and other partners and friends.

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Watch Bura duše/ English: Storm of the Soul (2019) Croatian Film (Documentary)

English subtitle