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Drum Taps (1933)

Eileen Carey and her grandfather Bill attempt to protect their ranch from outlaws. Escaping by horse, Eileen finds fellow rancher Ken Cartwright, who goes back to the ranch with her and throws the outlaws out. Ken returns to his ranch, where he is playing host to a group of Boy Scouts led by his brother Eric. As the Boy Scouts set up camp, Ken tells his brother that he thinks someone is trying to take over all the small ranches in the area. In town, Bradley Skinner, owner of the Skinner Land and Cattle Company, is told by his henchmen that his scheme to steal the Carey ranch was foiled by Ken. Skinner tells his henchmen to take some of his cattle, put Ken’s brand on them, then go to the sheriff and accuse Ken of rustling. Lariat, one of Bradley’s men, goes to Indian Joe’s hideout to plot the “cattle rustling.” Meanwhile, some of Skinner’s other men attach a shotgun to the Careys’ door, and Bill is shot when he opens it. Ken and Eileen see Stubby Lane leaving as they ride up to the Carey ranch. After finding the wounded Bill, Ken uses a drum to send a Morse code message to the Boy Scout camp. Eric and the Boy Scouts arrive at the Carey ranch, but they are too late, as Bill dies. Ken goes after Stubby and finds Indian Joe and his men stealing cattle. Ken captures one of the men, switches clothes with him, and sneaks past the guards into the outlaws’ hideout. There, he captures Stubby and tries to take him back into town, but they are discovered as they leave the hideout and Stubby is mistakenly killed by one of the guards. Back at Ken’s ranch, the sheriff arrives with a warrant for Ken’s arrest for cattle rustling. Ken denies the charges, and punches Lariat. Ken then gallops off on his horse, with Lariat and his men in hot pursuit, while the sheriff waits at the ranch. Meanwhile, Skinner and his men have Eileen trapped at her ranch as they try to force her to sign the deed over to them. Ken escapes Lariat and goes to the Carey ranch, where he finds a note from Eileen that she has been kidnapped and taken to Indian Joe’s hideout. Ken goes to the Boy Scout camp and orders them to gather all the small ranchers together and await his signal to ride into Indian Joe’s hideout once the pass is clear. Ken then captures the guards at the pass, and signals the Boy Scouts; however, one of the guards gets loose and cuts Ken’s rope, sending him tumbling down the mountain. The sheriff and his men attack the hideout, but are badly outnumbered. A wounded man makes it back to the Boy Scout camp looking for reinforcements, but is told there are none. Eric and the Boy Scouts then join the posse, and the outlaws, thinking they are soldiers, run away. Ken then goes into the hideout where Skinner is about to kill Eileen. Ken and Skinner fight and the crooked cattleman is defeated. The Boy Scouts, their job done, receive thanks from all and begin their march back to the city, as Ken and Eileen kiss. More on Wikipedia

Watch Drum Taps (1933)