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East of Fifth Avenue (1933)

Elderly couple John and Mary Lawton sell their brownstone boardinghouse, which is located just east of New York’s Fifth Avenue, and announce their intention to return to their native England. Although their friend, Dr. Morgan, advises against the trip because Mrs. Lawton suffers from a weak heart, they decide to go anyway and plan a farewell party that will also be a celebration of their golden wedding anniversary. Meanwhile, boarder Kitty Green, a chorus girl of whom the Lawtons are very fond, confides to Mrs. Lawton that she has become pregnant by another boarder, race track habitue Vic Howard. When Vic returns to the house after a long absence, he brings his new wife, Edna. The Lawtons offer to take Kitty to England with them as their daughter, but she declines their kindness and the $1,000 they offer to her. Elsewhere in the house, Lizzie, a chambermaid, forces her attentions upon Mr. Cronin, a worthless boarder she agrees to help in exchange for his love. Disappointed with married life, Edna begins a fliration with Paul Baxter, a would-be poet professing to be madly in love with her. Vic confides to Kitty that he needs $1,000 to bet on a horse that is a sure 12-to-1 shot at Belmont, for the winnings will enable him to become the legitimate businessman that Edna desires. Unaware that he is responsible for Kitty’s condition, Vic responds to her attempt to tell him about Edna’s infidelity by chastising her for becoming pregnant. Kitty’s love for Vic prompts her to borrow the money he needs from the Lawton’s desk drawer. Kitty leaves a note explaining her actions, and it is read by Mr. Lawton, who is always happy to help her. The note is accidentally hidden, however, and when Mrs. Lawton awakens, she suffers a fatal heart attack after finding the money missing. Mr. Lawton discovers his wife’s body and, unable to face life without her, decides to join her on her “trip.” Meanwhile, Vic’s horse wins and he repays Kitty twice her stake, which she returns to Mr. Lawton. After she leaves, the elderly gentleman writes a short will, then dies from ingesting poison. Vic gives his winnings to Edna, but she runs away with Baxter. After Vic discovers that she has left, and that he is the father of Kitty’s child, he realizes that it is Kitty whom he really loves. The Lawtons’ failure to appear at the party leads to the discovery of their deaths, and Dr. Morgan explains his belief that Mr. Lawton did the right thing in following his beloved wife. Mr. Lawton’s will, which bequeaths something to each boarder, is read at the party and the tenants drink a toast to their departed friends. More on Wikipedia

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