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Fireman, Save My Child (1932)

Fireman Smokey Joe Grant is dedicated to putting out fires and has invented an extinguisher bomb which he is convinced will change the way fires are fought. The hometown baseball team wants ace player Joe to pitch for them, but he refuses, feeling his place is watching for fires. When the men convince him that the ball field is the best place to watch for fires, he agrees to play. Joe is about to strike out a batter when he hears the fire bell. The old pickle factory is on fire and because the water hose is broken, it burns to the ground. Joe is sure that his bomb would have extinguished the fire if he had been able to prepare it. After returning to the game, Joe strikes out the batter. Joe’s pitching attracts an offer from a baseball scout, but he will not leave his first love, fighting fires, until his fiancée, Sally Toby, points out that he will earn enough money playing ball to promote his fire bomb. Keeping this in mind, Joe signs with the St. Louis team. Two of his fellow ball players present him to June Farnum, a gold digger, hoping to rid themselves of her. By offering to obtain a patent for his invention, June persuades Joe to withdraw all his money from his savings, then tricks him into getting engaged. Joe tries to break off his engagement to Sally by letter, but she arrives in town before he can mail it. June tells Sally about their engagement, but Joe, realizing that he really loves Sally, tries to break his engagement to June but cannot quite say the words. Then he receives a note from Mr. Platt, the president of a fire extinguisher company, and after waiting all night, he finally persuades Platt to let him demonstrate his invention on a real fire. By accident, he picks up the wrong briefcase and finds himself without his bomb. After the fire appears to be burning out of control in Platt’s office, however, he retrieves the bomb and puts out the fire, impressing Platt into giving him a contract. The firemen who arrived to fight the fire then rush Joe to the last game of the World Series, which he is scheduled to pitch. Joe steals home, wins the game, and marries Sally. More on Wikipedia

Watch Fireman, Save My Child (1932)