Flaming Gold

Flaming Gold (1933)

Because they refuse to give in to their competitors, who want them to shut down their modest oil drilling operation in Mexico, Dan Manton and Ben Lear’s oil well becomes the target of sabotage. During the sabotage maneuver, however, the competitors’ oil fields catch fire and their entire set of rigs is threatened. Although the opposition’s leader offers Dan and Ben, who are experts at controlling oil fires, $5,000 to help subdue the blaze, the proud duo rejects their rival’s money. Impressed by Dan and Ben’s spunk, Tampico Tess Terrill, a former prostitute who runs the local saloon, insists that they help her to develop some rich oil land that she owns, and sends Dan to New York to ask businessman William Conway, a former admirer, for a loan with which to start drilling. Out of nostalgic gratitude to Tess, Conway gives Dan $50,000 to begin drilling and then asks his secretary, Dill, to arrange a date for his visitor. Dill contacts a professional “escort” agency and pays Claire Gordon to spend an evening with the unsuspecting Dan. After two romantic days with Claire, who maintains that she is a friend of Dill’s, Dan asks her to come to Mexico with him. Nervous about her past, Claire at first rejects Dan, but finally agrees to marry him. By the time they reach Tess’s oil fields, however, Ben has learned through Conway the truth about Claire’s employment. Although he reveals nothing to Dan, Ben snubs Claire and insults her repeatedly in front of Dan. When Dan then leaves the remote fields to secure the company payroll, Ben rudely confronts Claire with her past and accuses her of being a gold digger. Furious at Ben’s insinuations, Claire declares that she married Dan only for love and dares him to tell Dan the truth. Ben, overwhelmed by Claire’s obvious sincerity, apologizes to her and, by the time Dan returns, becomes her chief ally. Although glad that his partner and wife have called a truce, Dan grows increasingly jealous of their sudden friendship and finally confronts them with his suspicions. To protect Claire, Ben refuses to explain his change of heart to Dan. Claire, however, confesses her past to her stunned husband, then announces that she is leaving. As Claire cries into her pillow, Dan and Ben’s well suddenly strikes oil, and a forgiving Dan begs his wife to remain his “partner.” . More on Wikipedia

Watch Flaming Gold (1932)