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Girl Crazy (1932)

As a cure for his “girl craziness,” Danny Churchill has been sent by his father to a ranch in Custerville, Arizona, a settlement whose sheriffs are continually being shot by outlaws. Immediately upon his arrival there, Danny decides that Custerville is too slow and arranges to convert the ranch into a dude operation with jazz bands, show girls and a gambling concession. To help in the conversion, he sends for his friend, Slick Foster, who with his complaining wife Kate, travels from Chicago with taxi driver Jimmy Deegan, who has agreed to take the couple to escape his annoying little sister Tessie. Danny, meanwhile, falls in love with Molly Gray, Custerville’s postmistress. When they are just outside of town, Slick, Kate and Jimmy have an unpleasant encounter with a motorcycle policeman and wire Danny that they will be delayed by ten days. The trio’s eventual arrival coincides with the shooting of yet another sheriff, and the murder is blamed on Jimmy by Lank Sanders, the real killer. As he is about to be hanged, Jimmy is saved by local beauty Patsy and decides to stay in town to pursue her. At the same time, a busload of beauties pulls into town to bring business to Danny’s dude ranch, the Molly-O. Also on the bus are Tessie and George Mason, a New York womanizer who immediately shows an interest in Molly. Angered by the presence of the “girls,” Molly allows George to romance her and snubs Danny. Slick’s gambling concession, meanwhile, proves so lucrative that Lank and his cohort Pete threaten Danny and his business. Having exhausted the town’s supply of sheriffs, Lank decides to run for the post himself and then force Danny to pay him large amounts of protection money. Unable to accept Lank’s politics, Danny convinces Jimmy to run against him. During the election, Tessie empties Lank’s ballots from the ballot box and Jimmy wins. While a terrified Jimmy goes into hiding and dresses himself as an Indian to avoid Lank, George convinces Molly, who continues to be upset by Danny’s attentions to his former girl friends, to accompany him to Mexico. With Molly in tow, George checks into a border hotel but is followed by Danny, Slick and Jimmy. Just as Slick and Jimmy are about to go off with two Mexican women they have met in the hotel, Kate and Patsy show up and dampen their romantic endeavors. Then while Tessie, who has snuck into the hotel, tries to reconcile Danny and Molly, Jimmy and Slick discover that Lank also has arrived. To escape from the murderous outlaw, Slick hypnotizes Lank, but when one of the Mexican women inadvertently awakens him, Lank begins to chase the duo around the hotel. Lank finally is thwarted by Jimmy and Slick, after which Danny proposes to Molly, and Patsy and Jimmy plan their future together. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

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