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Gun Justice (1933)

During a storm, Jim Lance is killed in his home by an unknown assailant. He has bequeathed his ranch to his nephew Ken and adopted daughter Ray. In the event of their death, the ranch becomes the property of his mortal enemies, Sam Burkett and Chris Hogan. Since Ken has not been seen in years, Burkett and Hogan arrange to have one of their brothers impersonate him. Ken rides into town, however, hearing news of his uncle’s death, and captures the imposter, keeping him hostage at a blacksmith’s house. Ken wires ranch foreman Hank Rivers that he will be riding into town secretly. Burkett and his cohort Denver want the Lance ranch because it contains Narrow Pass, a convenient passageway through which to herd cattle. After meeting Ray, Ken pretends to be interested in selling the ranch to his adversaries so he can find out what they are up to, but this infuriates Ray, who is unaware of his true intentions. Ken then refuses to sell, but offers to allow the cattle through the pass for two dollars per head. This offer is angrily refused, and Burkett and Denver threaten to send the cattle through the next morning. Ken and Ray reconcile, but while he and Rivers start to gather forces for the fight in the pass, the imposter escapes and successfully convinces the sheriff that Ken is the faker. Ken is arrested and Ray, having fallen in love with him, feels betrayed and puts all her trust in the imposter, agreeing to sell the ranch. Ken escapes, however, and during the round-up at the pass, after Denver shoots Hogan to lessen the competition, Ken goes after Denver. The imposter introduces Ray to a buyer, while Burkett hides in the next room. In the meantime, the sheriff captures Ken and discovers that Ken is a Ranger on special assignment to investigate his uncle’s death. He and the sheriff join forces. Ray recognizes the imposter for what he is and refuses to sell the ranch. Ken arrests Denver for the murder of Hogan, and Burkett is killed by the sheriff. The imposter and Jones are arrested, while Ken and Ray reunite. More on Wikipedia

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