Watch Hallelujah (1929)

Hallelujah! (1929)

Zeke, a black tenant farmer, takes the family cotton crop to market and sells it for nearly one hundred dollars. Chick, a dance hall temptress, uses her wiles to lure Zeke into a craps game with her lover, Hot Shot, who cheats Zeke out of his money with loaded dice. Zeke and Hot Shot fight, and Zeke gets possession of Hot Shot’s gun, firing point blank into the crowd. The shot accidentally kills his younger brother, Spunk, and in repentance, Zeke becomes a preacher. He again meets Chick, and she gets religion, deserting Hot Shot to go with him. Zeke falls for Chick and jilts his sweetheart, Missy Rose. In time, Hot Shot returns, and the fickle Chick goes off with him. Zeke gives chase, and Chick is killed when Hot Shot’s buggy overturns. Zeke then kills Hot Shot in a swamp, and, after serving time on the chain gang, returns home to the faithful Missy Rose. More on Wikipedia

Watch Festival Films- Awards & Festivals- Hallelujah
Academy Awards, 1930- Nominee: Best Director
Berlin International Film Festival, 1930

Watch Hallelujah! (1929)