Watch Headin’ North (1930)

Headin’ North (1930)

Determined to prove his innocence, Jim Curtis, an escaped convict, eludes a posse led by U. S. Marshal Harrison. “Snicker” Kimball, son of a ranchowner, returns to the ranch, sees Jim employed as a new cowhand, and challenges him to fight, losing badly. Consequently, Snicker apologizes, and the two men become fast friends. Later, when the marshal inquires about him, Snicker and Red deny having seen the fugitive, and Jim tells them his story: His father, an agent for an express company, is persuaded by Arnold, a gambler, to lend him money. Arnold absconds with it; in helping his father across the border, Jim is held as an accomplice; and Mary Jackson has informed him that Arnold is in Gold Creek. In his search, Jim and Snicker find themselves stranded in a railway station with two actors with whom they exchange identities; contacting Mary Jackson, Jim trails a man named Stanton to a gambling hall and by a ruse forces a confession, proving that Stanton is Arnold. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Headin’ North (1930)