Watch Her Majesty Love (1931)

Her Majesty Love (1931)

Fred von Wellingen, the scion of an industrial family, falls in love with cabaret bartender Lia Toerrek. He offers to marry her if she will dance one dance with him and she agrees. When Fred’s family meets Lia and her father, however, they are scandalized by her job and her lower-class background. Determined to prevent the marriage, the family offers Fred a new contract for more money and an important title if he breaks his engagement. He reluctantly agrees but cannot bring himself to tell Lia. By accident, Lia learns the truth and confronts Fred at a society dinner where they were to announce their engagement. Impressed by her defiance, the Baron von Schwarzdorf asks her to marry him. Although he has been married six times before, she agrees, not knowing what else to do. Fred tries to stop her but arrives too late to prevent the wedding. He asks her to dance with him and, as they dance, Fred tells her that now that she is a baroness, his family can no longer object to her as his wife. It seems that the baron is about to lose his seventh wife to Fred. More on Wikipedia

Watch Her Majesty Love (1931)