Watch Hrvati i Srbi, povijest jedne averzije (2011) Croatian film (Documentary)

Hrvati i Srbi, povijest jedne averzije (2011) Eng.sub

A film that everyone who is not completely familiar with the history of relations between Croatia and Serbia from the seventh century to our time should watch.
Two old nations, Croats and Serbs, were equally exposed to the forces of the West and the East after the loss of their independent medieval states, and international factors greatly contributed to both nations entering into a state union in the 20th century, which turned out to be a tragic mistake. Serbian imperialism resulted in the resistance of the Croats in the first and second Yugoslavia, and the initial Croatian leniency turned into an aversion to the constant Serbian attempts to cancel the Croatian nationality and the Croatian language and create an artificial Yugoslav nation that would represent the emanation of the Great Serbian idea. This antagonism escalated during the World War and brought misfortune to both Croats and Serbs, and the Greater Serbian impositions and subterfuges continued during the communist Yugoslavia, which ended in disarray caused by the Serbian aggression against Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The film “Croats and Serbs” largely covers the time since the end of the Croatian Homeland War, the relations between the two independent states, Croatia and Serbia, and the attempts of international factors inclined towards Serbia to exculpate Serbian aggression and genocide, i.e. to establish a balance of guilt for the events of the war to the detriment of the Croats through their leverage, the Hague Tribunal, they impute “joint criminal undertakings” – the unproven expulsion of Serbs from the so-called Krajina, and the even more absurd accusation of Croatia’s aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The full-length documentary film (ninety minutes) “Croats and Serbs” brings for the first time a complete presentation of Croatian-Serbian relations without forgeries from the era of Croatian independence, with the aim of not only understanding historical events through the truth, but also awareness of the need for good neighborly relations which are necessary for the stability of this part of the world.

Watch Hrvati i Srbi, povijest jedne averzije (2011) Croatian film (Documentary)

English subtitle