Watch International House 819339 American Film

International House (1933)

Dr. Wong, inventor of the radioscope, which can broadcast both picture and sound from anywhere in the world, holds a conference at the hotel International House in Wu-Hu, China. Before the conference, Tommy Nash of the American Electric Company was almost married, but contracted chicken pox and left his bride-to-be, Carol Fortescue, alone at the altar. As Carol arrives in Wu-Hu, Tommy is forced to spend the night in Shanghai, where he meets well-known beauty Peggy Hopkins Joyce. Representatives of companies all over the world arrive for Wong’s presentation, but he delays it at Tommy’s request, believing the American will present the highest bid. As Wong sets up his invention, the radioscope shows Professor Henry Quail ready to take off from Juarez, Mexico to Kansas City in his autogyro, the Spirit of Brooklyn , loading both his plane and his stomach with beer. When Tommy arrives with Peggy, Carol refuses to marry him, until Peggy explains that she and Tommy spent an innocent night together, and the couple is reconciled, only to have Tommy break out in a rash of measles. Meanwhile, Peggy’s ex-husband, General Petronovich, to eliminate competition for Wong’s patent, has the hotel quarantined for Tommy’s rash but gets himself locked out. Still waiting for Tommy to introduce himself, Wong postpones his demonstration until Quail lands his autogyro on the roof and Wong, believing he is Tommy, offers his patent to him. That night, Quail sleeps in Peggy’s room and the next morning, she asks him to fly away with her. Tommy then has the quarantine lifted, rushes to Wong and secures the patent. Petronovich then storms the hotel, threatening to kill whomever has won Wong’s patent and is enraged to see Peggy in Quail’s car, which he brought with him on the plane. Peggy runs to the roof to escape Petronovich just as Tommy and Carol, now in Quail’s car in the elevator, save him from Petronovich. All reach the plane in time and the Spirit of Brooklyn takes off. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch International House (1933)