Watch La Tavola Dei Poveri 1932 Italian. Film

La tavola dei poveri (1932) No sub

Marquis Fusaro is a Napoletan nobleman and a chairman of the charity organization which helps the poor. But unbeknownst to his rich friends he himself is also completely broke and has to sell all the valuables from his apartment in order to survive. One day a beggar asks Marquis to safekeep all the money he made through begging in 30 years for him, but when Marquis’ friends arrive for a visit they see the beggar’s money on Marquis’ table and think this money is Marquis’ donation to their charity organization and take it. Marquis now has to find a quick way to get 7.500 liras and return them to the beggar. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch La tavola dei poveri/ English: The Table of the Poor (1932) Italian film

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