Watch Law Of The West 1932 American Film

Law of the West (1932)

After Lee Morgan and Tracy are captured by sheriff Dan Carruthers while rustling cattle, Dan brands them, warning that if they are caught rustling again they will be hanged. Tracy explains to Dan that he only joined Morgan out of desperation because his wife recently died and he is having difficulty raising their child. Morgan’s son was killed by Dan during the raid, and although Dan fired upon him in self-defense, Morgan later seeks revenge by kidnapping Dan and Mary’s son Bob and raising him as his own. Seventeen years later, Bob, now in his early twenties, is a gentle lad with a quick gun, but he rebels against his brutal upbringing by Morgan. Bob leaves Morgan’s ranch to visit his girl friend, Sally Tracy, and her father and tells them he plans to move to California. Meanwhile, Dan arrives in town to bring martial law to the area. Bob and Sally become engaged, and she and her father agree to accompany Bob to California. When Morgan orders Bob to rustle cattle with the gang and he refuses, Morgan hits him and locks him in the storeroom. He then sends Buck, a member of his gang, to town to lure Dan to the ranch, vengefully plotting a showdown in which he hopes Dan will shoot Bob, whose gun he fills with blanks. Bob escapes from the storeroom, however, and heads to Tracy’s, where Tracy plans to tell Bob about his real parents. Morgan’s arrival prevents this, and Morgan tells Bob he will help him and Sally begin a new life. After they leave, Morgan shoots Tracy. Dan finds Tracy, who tells him his son is alive before falling unconscious. Back at his ranch, Morgan tells Sally and Bob that Dan killed Tracy, and urges Bob and Dan into a gunfight in which Bob is wounded. Morgan handcuffs Dan to a tree, but Bob overhears him tell Dan that he is his son and Bob shoots the gun out of Morgan’s hand. They fight until Morgan’s gang rides up and engage in a gun battle. Morgan takes Sally and rides off, with Bob in pursuit. At Tracy’s cabin, Tracy revives and shoots Morgan before he gets Bob. Bob is then reunited with Dan and Mary, who are grateful to Tracy for saving their son. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Law of the West (1932)