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Lawless Riders (1935)

When a group of lawless riders attacks a stagecoach, the lone passenger, Edith Adams, hides on the floor and glimpses the face of one bandit, Bart, as he steals a trunk off the roof. The runaway stage passes by Ken Manley and his friends, Pedro and Carl. Ken bravely rescues the stage, which earns him Edith’s gratitude. Bart and his gang ride into town and are greeted in the saloon by the unsuspecting Judge Adams, Edith’s father. Ken then drives in the stage with news of the robbery, and the sheriff organizes a posse. Later, at a charity dance, when Bart chooses Edith as a partner, she recognizes him as the bandit who robbed the stage. Bart overhears Edith tell Ken that she recognizes him, so he arranges to have Ken ambushed by some of his men who are off robbing a bank that same night. That night, Ken is shot and left in the bank along with the body of the bank’s night watchman, whom the robbers killed. Ken is arrested for the watchman’s murder, but Edith believes in his innocence. Bart, knowing Edith is the only one who knows his true identity, lures her and Carl to a hermit’s cabin in the desert, where they are taken prisoner. Meanwhile, Pedro visits Ken in jail, slips him a file and distracts the guard until Ken is free. Carl escapes from the cabin, and goes to the sheriff, who leads his posse after Bart. In the cabin, Bart tries to seduce Edith with a drink, while the posse and bandits engage in a shootout. Then, Ken arrives and fights Bart as the sheriff arrests the bandits. After Bart is lead away by the sheriff, Ken and Edith embrace. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

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