Watch Monsieur Le Duc 1931 French Film

Monsieur le duc (1931) No sub

“Monsieur le Duc “is gambling his fortune away whilst his mother worries in the company of her siblings, an officer ,a bishop and an old maid ;short of the readies , the duke had pawned all the pictures of his ancestors, and then he finally decides to leave his native France for the broader horizons of America to make his fortune ; but meeting in a chic place in Paris a wealthy American woman , he realizes that a money match would be an easier way to become rich again ; but he falls for a young girl , who unfortunately is poor. Coincidence : these women are none other than the mom and the daughter….

A harmless comedy in which the funny moments are few and far between : the bishop quoting the holy scriptures , the duke saying goodbye to his family ,represented by the pictures in the pawn shop ….But an interminable ballet is pure filler .. Just a curio from the early days of the French talkies. More on Wikipedia

Watch Monsieur le duc/ English: Monsieur the Duke (1931) French Film

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