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My Son Is a Criminal (1939)

Tim Halloran, Sr., a retired police chief, had always hoped that his young son Tim would follow in his footsteps and join the police force. Tim shunned the profession, however, and instead opened his own garage. In contrast, Tim’s boyhood friend, Allen Coltrin, joined the force and became a police laboratory technician. Now both Tim and Allen vie for the attentions of their childhood friend, Myrna Kingsley, who finds herself torn between the two young men. Unknown to his father, Allen or Myrna, Tim is involved with a gang of truck hijackers who are hiding stolen vehicles in his garage. Through his father’s contacts on the police force and data from Allen’s developments in the lab, Tim obtains inside information that keeps his gang one step ahead of the law, that is, until one of his gang, Jersey, slips up and leaves his fingerprints on a stolen truck. Tim kills Jersey to prevent him from talking to the police, who are on his trail, and then plants evidence on him to make it appear as if he is responsible for the hijackings. Soon, Allen amasses enough evidence to accuse Tim of killing Jersey, but no arrest takes place because the new police chief cannot decide what course of action to take. Meanwhile, Tim’s father, who has undertaken his own independent investigation of the case, acts on a tip and surprises his son in the middle of a robbery and kills him. More on Wikipedia or IMDB

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