Night Nurse 2

Night Nurse (1931)

Lora Hart is determined to be a nurse even though her lack of a high school diploma stands in her way. She convinces Dr. Bell to recommend her for training, and she is accepted into nursing school. Lora is devoted to her job. One night, while she and fellow student nurse Maloney are working in the emergency room, Lora fixes a gunshot wound for amiable bootlegger Mortie and agrees not to report it to the police as she is required to do. Mortie vows friendship and sends Lora a bottle of rye as a graduation present. After graduation, Lora and Maloney accept a private nursing job, caring for Nanny and Desney Ritchey, children of a wealthy alcoholic. Lora has the night shift, and she becomes convinced that the children are being intentionally starved. She visits their doctor, Dr. Ranger, who denies there is anything wrong. She asks Dr. Bell for advice, and he suggests that she return to the job and fight from the inside. The mother’s boyfriend Nick, a gangster posing as a chauffeur, keeps her supplied with alcohol. When Mortie delivers a shipment to the house for a party, Lora tells him her suspicions. Now even the housekeeper is worried about the children and insists that Lora give them a milk bath because that once saved the life of her sister’s child. Mortie finds the milk, even though it is late at night, but Nick discovers what they are doing and pours the milk down the drain. The housekeeper tells Lora that Nick and Dr. Ranger are conspiring to starve the children to death in order to gain control of their trust fund. Determined to save them, Lora brings Dr. Bell to the house. He performs a blood transfusion and saves the sickest child, despite Nick’s efforts to prevent it. Lora swears out a warrant to save the children, and on the way to the police station, Mortie lets her know that Nick has been “taken care of” by some of his friends. More on Wikipedia

Watch Night Nurse (1931)