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Personal Maid (1931)

Nora Ryan, who comes from a poor Irish family in the East side of New York, is fed up with their uncouth ways. Deciding to change her life, she becomes a personal maid to wealthy women, because she believes that the wealthy have superior morals and manners, in addition to a finer standard of living. After a few years training, Nora obtains a position as personal maid to Mrs. Otis Gary and her family. The family are extremely pampered and live in fear of aged grandsire Gary Gary, copper magnate, who occupies the top floor and controls the money. Mrs. Gary finds out her son Dick has been expelled from college. Fearing an outburst from old G. G., she pays Nora an exorbitant sum to meet Dick at the train station and escort him to an aunt’s home in Virginia. Dick is a flirtatious rascal, and after meeting him, Nora is both appalled by his spoiled behavior and charmed by his flattery. Despite his entreaties, Dick is unable to con Nora out of any of her money, even after he offers her an engagement ring left over from another romance. Nora awakens in her sleeper car in the morning to find the ring and a promissory note in place of her money. Nora returns to New York and reports to G. G. who, despite his dotage, is aware of the situation. He confesses that Dick is his favorite grandson, and discovers that Nora is in love with him despite herself. Through Nora’s influence he decides not to have Dick arrested when he writes a $500 check from his father’s account and reportedly sets sail for Havana. G. G. buys back the ring from Nora and she secretly covers Dick’s check with the money. In the course of their conversation, G. G. calls Nora a “common servant girl.” Indignant, Nora assumes an alias and uses the rest of her money and vacation time to live “like a real lady” in a fine hotel. She runs into Peter Shea, G. G.’s business manager who does not seem to recognize her as the Garys’ maid. On a date with him, she finds out that Dick is in New York. G. G. recognizes her at the hotel and humiliates her in front of Peter by demanding she return to the house. Later, G. G. has a meeting with her and tells her he is impressed with her behavior and would like her to marry Dick. Now disillusioned with the wealthy, Nora declares she hates the entire Gary family. Downstairs, she runs into Peter, who confesses he always knew who she was, and if she is interested, he will get her what he thinks she wants. Nora is repelled by his intimation, especially after Dick returns. G. G. dies that day, and Dick leaves to work in another country, believing Nora is in love with Peter. With the help of the chauffeur Kipp, who has been her ally all along, Nora follows Dick and surprises him on the train, where he proposes for real with the engagement ring, and she accepts. More on Wikipedia

Watch Personal Maid (1931)