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Private Lives (1931)

Previously married to each other, but now divorced and re-married, Amanda Prynne and Elyot Chase unintentionally honeymoon with their new spouses at the same European hotel. While Elyot, who is now married to Sybil, is annoyed by his new wife’s frequent inquiries about his ex-wife, Amanda insists that Victor, her new husband, stop mentioning Elyot so that they can enjoy their honeymoon. Elyot and Victor meet outside their rooms on the common terrace, but do not discover their relationship to each other. When Elyot meets Amanda on the terrace, however, he becomes so upset at their coincidental reunion that he insists on fleeing to Paris with Sybil. At the same time, Amanda pleads with Victor to take her to Paris. Amanda and Elyot quarrel bitterly with their spouses, and, as a result, are both left alone. Following their spats, Amanda and Elyot return to the terrace, where they recall the days when they were in love. Though Elyot tells Amanda that they are no longer in love, Amanda insists that they are, and they soon rekindle a new romance with a kiss. After mutually agreeing that they should find a way to prevent future quarrels, they make a pact to halt their bickering when either one utters the words “Solomon Isaacs.” The two then decide to flee from their spouses by sneaking out of the hotel. They go to St. Moritz, Switzerland, where they resume their romance and go on a rock climbing expedition. Later, in their Swiss chalet room, Elyot and Amanda engage in another petty quarrel, which leads to a fight over a phonograph record. Amanda breaks the record over Elyot’s head, and the two end up slapping each other and destroying the room. Amanda runs out of the room screaming and encounters Victor and Sybil, who have been looking for their respective spouses. Victor and Sybil become embroiled in Amanda and Elyot’s dispute, and Victor intervenes on Amanda’s behalf after Elyot calls her a slattern. Victor then announces that he came to get a divorce, but Sybil and Elyot, now reunited, announce that they plan no divorce. Both couples sit down to an amicable breakfast the next day, which soon turns hostile when Victor and Sybil quarrel. Amanda and Elyot slip out during the spat, and the two leave on a train. More on Wikipedia

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