Watch Queen High (1930)

Queen High (1930)

Business partners T. Boggs Johns and George Nettleton, who operate a garter-manufacturing business, are so constantly at odds that their lawyer, Cyrus Vanderholt, proposes that they settle their differences by a hand of draw poker; the winner is to take over the business for a year and the loser to become a butler in the household of the other. Meanwhile, Nettleton gives his niece, Polly Rockwell, a stenographic position, as Johns had previously hired his nephew, Dick. Johns loses the game; and when Florence, his fiancée, shows up as a guest at Nettleton’s home, complications ensue as he is pursued by Coddles, the maid. Meanwhile Dick and Polly fall in love, and Polly suggests that Johns pretend to be happy under his new “master” and flirt with his wife. Nettleton becomes extremely jealous. When the partners find that the agreement is not legally binding, they unite in chasing out the rascally lawyer. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Queen High (1930)