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Robot Carnival (1987) Eng.sub

“Robot Carnival” is a 1987 anime anthology film assembling nine different distinctive segments of respective visions from prevalent directors within the genre at the time. Thematically, the film follows segmented cyber punk based robotic sequences, but other than that there is no clear sequence of events in which a clear narrative follows. It’s a wonderful choose-your-own adventure that each respective animator gets to travel down. In this vein there is some sequences that play into dramatic fashion, some dive into comedy or action aspects. Also, as some seem more formal in their narrative delivery, some are completely surreal, each being a carried over work of art with a clear distinctive style that translates directly from the artist’s hand. More on Wikipedia

Watch Robot Carnival (1987) Janapanese Manga Film

English subtitle (Bottom right corner/Settings/EN)

Adult Animated Film
