Watch Shadow Ranch (1930)

Shadow Ranch (1930)

Summoned by his friend Ranny Williams, Sim Baldwin, a wanderer, goes to the aid of Ruth Cameron, a rancher under pressure to sell out to Blake, who wants to control a dam on the ranch that is central to the town’s water supply. He arrives to find his friend ambushed; and incurring the enmity of Blake, Sim convinces Ruth he is her friend. When Blake begins rustling the cattle on the ranch, Sim lays a trap and captures several of the culprits and marches them, pantsless into town. Blake threatens him with a showdown unless he leaves town, but Sim engages in a furious gunfight with Blake’s gang, saves Ruth from the clutches of the villain, chases him from the town, and fights him to the death. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Shadow Ranch (1930)