Strucchi Fritti Di Carnevale 2

Strucchi – Traditional dessert of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region

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These little Italian treats consist of a sweet nut-based filling sandwiched between two thin layers of dough or potatoes. They come in numerous varieties that use different types of dough, while the filling is traditionally based on nuts. It can combine various additional ingredients such as raisins, jams, candied citrus peel and a little grappa or rum. They are typical Christmas and carnival treats. Whether boiled or fried, they are usually served dusted with powdered sugar.

Although one of the most famous traditional dishes of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (the Croatian name is Friuli-Julian Region, but I like the original name) could be loosely translated as “štrukle”, they are not. Depending on the part of the region, they are also called struchi , strucoli , struccoletti , struki , and it is a well-known dessert of the region. “Strucolo de pomi” is the name for apple pie, so even if we think we are close to that name and taste, we are wrong again. And our famous “štrukle” and Austrian “apfestrudel” are all there somewhere, but again, they are not. Given that we are close to each other – Italy, Austria, Slovenia and we in Croatia, everyone reached for their own recipe, and that’s how different desserts were created that have a similar base.

If the Italian “strucchi” are fried, then flour is used as the base, and if they are boiled, then the base is shredded potatoes in flour, then – butter, sugar, cinnamon, nuts, raisins, pine nuts…, other variations on the theme.

If the Italian “strucchi” are fried, then flour is used as the base, and if they are boiled, then the base is shredded potatoes in flour, then – butter, sugar, cinnamon, nuts, raisins, pine nuts…, other variations on the theme.

Origin – Cividale e Valli del Natisone or in translation the valley of Cividale and Natisone. It is a series of valleys in the far east of the Friuli-Julian border where the first peaks of the Julian Alps develop and which allow us to bypass the Alpine peaks. It is no coincidence that it was also the crossing point of the population of the past, from the Romans to the Lombards to the Slavic population who chose these valleys for their land and passed on customs and traditions that have survived to this day, including recipes. The place recognized by UNESCO – Cividale dell Friuli and the slightly distant San Pietro al Natisone perhaps best evoke the historical story of difficult battles but also gourmet delights, especially the original “Strucchi” that were created somewhere here (see Google map ).

We will find “strucchi” in the entire region, which refers to Trieste, Udine, Grado, Monfalcone and smaller surrounding towns, but they say it’s best to go where they originated. Strucchi fritti , Strucchi al forno are the main two recipes.

A recommendation for where to eat “Strucchi” is certainly the traditional pasticceria (loose name – patisserie) Gubana Giuditta Teresa in San Pietro al Natissone or the famous restaurant/farm Agriturismo Monte Del R e (service and accommodation – reservation ). Pasticceria are names for Italian pastry shops, but it’s wrong to call them pastry shops because they are after all complex and traditional shops with a good story behind them, while Monte del Re agrotourism has excellent reviews of accommodation and food. Everything is homemade and they grow and produce a lot of it themselves. Overnight stay for two people, depending on the season and the average price is 100 eur per room (not per room) with breakfast included. There is also the eternally packed pasticceria Paradiso dei Golosi (it has a glazed terrace). On the stretch from San Pietro al Natissone towards Cividale del Friuli, you can find several farms engaged in agro-tourism, restaurants, canteens and trattorias. It is enough to bring the google map closer to that stretch and a dozen bars will pop up – see the google map , where you can find “strucchi”, although their emphasis is on something else.

If you are not in that part of the region, there are a few more recommendations where to try “Strucchi”. Trattoria da Nando – Mortegliano (restaurant), Alimentari Bais – Monafalcone (local delicacy shop), Panificio Clemente – Turriaco (pasticceria) and La Bottega delle Eccellenze – Grado (delicacy shop).

During the “festa patronale di Sant’Antonio Abate” , the small village of Clenia organizes a competition of local residents in the preparation of delicacies, including “Strucchi”. The dominant cake here is “guban”, which I will explain in a new article, but “strucchi” and some others rival it. Prepared desserts are delivered to the nearby restaurant Agriturismo Monte Del Re or the most famous OPG that specializes in the production of “strucchi” and that is Paolo Osgnach (see video above). The competition has been taking place for over thirty years, and the program begins with a holy mass and blessing of the food, a greeting from the mayor, and an evening tasting and announcement of the winner along with a cultural and artistic program.

Such a small region is really proud of such a small product and has woven together a strong story that is well recognized by domestic as well as foreign tourists. We in Croatia do not really know Italian specialties and customs, although they are close to us. That’s exactly why I’m introducing us to it, because I’m a lover of Italian cuisine and culture, and this is just one small story in a series. The region is extremely rich in history, as is actually the whole of Italy. The small surrounding towns provide the ultimate gourmet delight and it takes a bit of digging to find that information. Personally, I’m not a person who hunts for sights, but for local specialties and those little stories of the region, and then the castle is next to the road and it takes on a stronger meaning for me in sightseeing. Therefore, first “strucchi” and then further.

Text. Srećko Karić