Watch Sunny (1930)

Sunny (1930)

Sunny, a circus performer pledged by her father to marry an Englishman (Wendell-Wendell) she does not love, becomes a stowaway on an ocean liner to America, along with her father, Peters. Sunny is obliged to act as dancer and entertainer to pay her passage, while her father is put to swabbing decks. Aboard is Tom Warren, the man she loves; but he is engaged to Marcia Manners. In order to be near him and to enter the United States without a passport, she marries his best friend, Jim Deming, in name only, planning to divorce him soon after landing. Meanwhile Jim establishes a popular gymnasium resort but is put in a difficult position when his former fiancée, Weenie, and Wendell-Wendell arrive from England. When Marcia hears Sunny tell Tom that she knows he loves her, Marcia declares that their engagement will be announced at the hunt ball that very night. At the ball, Sunny announces her plans to return to England, but Tom proposes just as she is about to leave. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Sunny (1930)