Watch Sunny Skies (1930)

Sunny Skies (1930)

Jim Grant, a cocky college athlete, falls in love with Mary Norris, who returns his affection, even though she is claimed by Dave, star player on the football team. Jim finds a loyal friend in roommate Benny Krantz, the shy, blundering son of a delicatessen keeper. Mary’s friend, Doris, takes a liking to Benny and teaches him about romance. Jim’s heavy drinking leads to his alienation of Mary, when she discovers him in the arms of another girl. He is also disqualified from the football team for failing in his studies. Jim tries to apologize to Mary, but when Dave intervenes, a scuffle ensues and Jim accidentally breaks his rival’s arm. With Dave unable to play, the school loses an important football game and Jim is expelled. The following year, Benny tries to emulate his boisterous ex-roommate, resulting in his fall from a second-story window during a drunken party. Jim, who has recently returned to college, saves Benny’s life with a blood transfusion. He scores the winning touchdown at a football game, then faints from the loss of blood. Later that day, Jim and Bennie are reunited in the hospital More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Sunny Skies (1930)