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Tarzan and the Green Goddess (1938)

In Guatemala, site of the ancient Mayan civilization, the idol called the Green Goddess, a small obelisk, has been stolen. Unknown to the natives who worship the Green Goddess, inside the idol is a secret formula for a Mayan explosive, which must not fall into the wrong hands. Meanwhile, Raglan reports to Hiram Powers in Livingstone and is sent to steal the Green Goddess from Major Francis Martling, head of the expedition that located the idol. Raglan’s men attack Martling’s group, but are interrupted by Tarzan, a man who has been reared in the jungle. The Green Goddess has been taken by Raglan, however. He then sends a note to Powers for Simon Blade to pick him up with his ship at Puerto Barrias, and carries the Green Goddess to a steamer. Tarzan, on his trail, is too late to capture him, but takes the next ship. Tarzan is captured by two of Raglan’s henchmen, but escapes by using his strength and imitations of animal sounds. At the same time that the hooded worshippers from the temple of the Green Goddess search for their idol, Martling’s code book falls into the rapids. Tarzan dives in to save it in order to preserve directions on deciphering the inscriptions on the Green Goddess. The current proves too strong, however, and he is carried over the falls to the lower bank where Ula Vale, a white woman in native dress, saves him. Soon Martling and his aide George are taken hostage in the temple. Returning to the dead city, Tarzan is also captured, and condemned to be sacrified in the pit of the sacred lion. Following him, Ula is also captured, and placed in an adjoining cell. By donning hoods as disguises, Tarzan and Ula are able to rescue Martling and George from torture. Ula’s spies, Jose and Lopez, then report that Raglan is awaiting a ship in Mantique. Tarzan takes the Green Goddess from Raglan’s vessel, but Martling charters a sailing ship run by Simon Blade, Raglan’s accomplice. During a storm at sea, Ula sights Raglan and he is then shot by Blade. The crew then seize Martling and Geoge and lock up Ula, but she. escapes and summons Tarzan to release the others. Later, they remove the formula for the Mayan explosive. At Greystoke, Tarzan’s English estate, Ula burns the formula, as it is too dangerous to allow in anyone’s hands, but Tarzan and Ula are grateful to the formula for introducing them to each other. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch Tarzan and the Green Goddess (1938)