Watch The Banck Dick 1940 American Film

The Bank Dick (1940)

Egbert Sousé, a man who tries his best to live up to his name, supports his family by entering puzzle and slogan contests until one day, he unwittingly captures a bank robber when the bench on which he is seated topples over on the thief. For his act of bravery, Sousé is heralded as a hero and awarded the job of bank detective by Mr. Skinner, the bank president. Sousé’s good fortune attracts the attention of J. Frothingham Waterbury, a swindler who sells Sousé phony stock in the Beefsteak Mining Company. Falling for Waterbury’s line, Sousé convinces Og Oggilby, his future son-in-law and fellow bank employee, to withdraw an “advance” on his bonus and invest in Beefsteak shares. When the unexpected appearance of bank examiner J. Pinkerton Snoopington threatens to expose Og as an embezzler, Sousé tries to delay the examiner until Og’s bonus arrives. Sousé tries to stop Snoopington by poisoning him, but his attempt fails, and the ill examiner shows up at the bank to audit the books. At that moment, the Beefsteak mine comes in, making Og a very rich man, and the bank is held up again. The robbers force Sousé at gunpoint to drive the escape car, but after an arduous chase, the car falls apart and Sousé is once again credited with the capture of the thief. Sousé’s reward for the thief’s capture, together with the profits from the mine, catapult Sousé into the position of one of the town’s wealthiest citizens, and all ends happily. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Festival Film- Awards & Festivals
National Film Preservation Board- 1992 | Winner: National Film Registry

Watch US- The Bank Dick/ UK- The Bank Detective (1940)