
The Big Bang (1987)

The Big Bang, also known as Le Big-Bang, is an adult animated science fiction comedy film, originally released in 1987 by 20th Century Fox in France and Entertainment Film Distributors, Ltd in the United Kingdom. The UK version was written by English satirist Tony Hendra, who was also the voice director. In 1995, Italy annihilates Libya, which destroys Israel. Africa bombs Germany, which in turn attacks France. Luxembourg conquers England. Sweden, Monte Carlo and Switzerland immolate themselves. The Russians decide to liquidate the Americans, who unleash their nuclear fleet, leaving only two continents on the verge of World War IV. In the north, a mutated strain of males in America and Russia merge, forming the USSSR, in the south. All that is left of womankind retreat to their territory of Vaginia as dealing with the scenario of a Third World War. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch The Big Bang (1987) French/ Belgium Film (Eng.dub.)

Adult Animated Films