Watch The Green Goddess (1930)

The Green Goddess (1930)

A plane carrying British Major Crespin, his wife Lucilla and Dr. Traherne is forced to make an emergency landing in a remote area of India governed by the ruthless, Oxford-educated Raja of Rukh. Unable to take off again, the party is surrounded by the Raja’s men and taken to his palace, where he treats them as prisoner-guests, threatening the kill them unless Lucilla becomes one of his wives. Traherne and Crespin try to bribe the Raja’s valet, Hawkins, to send a wireless message to alert the British army of their whereabouts, but Hawkins betrays them and is killed. Crespin is able to send the message himself but is killed before Lucilla and Traherne are rescued by the arrival by British planes. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Festival Film- Awards & Festivals
Academy Awards, 1930- Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role

Watch The Green Goddess (1930)