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The King Murder (1932)

Henry Barton, chief of the homicide squad, receives a call from his married friend, Elizabeth Hawthorne, who tells him that her husband is having an affair with blonde gold digger Miriam King. In order to help Elizabeth, whom he has always loved, Henry meets with her husband for lunch to discuss the matter, but they are interrupted by one of Henry’s detectives, who informs them that Miriam has been found murdered. The husband is shocked by the news, and Henry accepts his offer of help in the ensuing investigation. Not long after, a policeman stationed to guard the body of Miriam is found dead at her apartment, but the manner of his death is unknown. The police suspect the young man who discovered Miriam’s death when they learn that he had gone to her apartment to retrieve letters with which she was blackmailing him. However, Henry discovers the murderer is Elizabeth’s husband after he attempts to prevent Henry from accidentally killing himself by handling poisoned phonograph needles given to him by Miriam. Instead, the husband dies from handling the needles, and Henry is left to comfort Elizabeth . More on Wikipedia or Mubi

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