Watch The Little Accident (1930)

The Little Accident (1930)

On the day before his scheduled marriage to Madge, Norman Overbeck receives a letter from a maternity hospital in Chicago, and later he learns that he is the father of a three-week-old boy. He suddenly leaves for Chicago, confiding in his friend Gilbert that a year ago he secretly married Isabel Drury in Boston and that she had the marriage annulled. Arriving at the hospital, Norman is subjected to a physical examination. In a reception room he meets Hicks, an expectant father, and Rudolpho, who is waiting to take home his wife and child. Norman denounces Isabel for letting the child out for adoption, and through a ruse, he kidnaps his own child and engages Monica, a wet nurse, to care for it. Monica offers to marry him, then Isabel changes her mind about adoption and demands her child. Matters are further complicated by the arrival of Madge. After much disputation, Norman and Isabel decide to start again. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch The Little Accident (1930)