Watch The Social Lion (1930)

The Social Lion (1930)

Marco Perkins, a ham prizefighter, after an inglorious defeat is taken home by his wise-cracking manager, Chick, and meets Cynthia, who secretly adores him. But Marco’s eye is set on Gloria, a selfish society girl of the country club set who leads him on for laughs; however, when they learn that Marco is an ace polo player, he and Chick are welcomed to the club as members. Cynthia, the hatcheck girl, sadly watches as Marco becomes madly infatuated with Gloria and his new self-image, but when Gloria jokingly encourages him to propose to her, he is deeply hurt. Cynthia, who has overhead the joke, takes Gloria to task, and Marco, after winning the polo game for the club, gives Gloria and her society friends a piece of his mind. Realizing that Cynthia loves him, Marco returns to the ring to win the championship. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch The Social Lion (1930)