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The St. Louis Kid (1934)

Two truck drivers, feisty Eddie Kennedy and his friend, Buck Willets, are taking a load through the country when they are rear-ended by Ann Reid. Eddie immediately quarrels with her, and when a passerby, Brown, stops to aid Ann, Eddie knocks him out and ends up in jail. The sheriff is sympathetic to Eddie because Brown, the district manager for a milk company, cheats farmers of their due. Learning this, Eddie attacks Brown at his trial, claiming he hit Brown for insulting farmers, and the judge dismisses the case. Eddie, Buck and two of Buck’s women friends walk to a nearby cafe, which, it turns out, is run by Ann. To get back at Eddie for his sassy remarks about her cooking, she purposely ruins the food on his plate. In retaliation, Eddie hits a crate of eggs intended for her cafe with his truck as he drives away. When he and Buck return to the company, Ann is already there complaining about their behavior. Eddie and Buck are forced to pay her for the damaged eggs. Eddie’s courtroom speech inspires a milk war. Harris, the new company manager, puts Eddie and Buck on a run bringing milk in from out of state. Despite their toughness, they are stopped by the farmers, who dump their milk. Naturally, Eddie gets into a fight with the farmers and returns to court in front of the same judge. Angered by Eddie’s hypocrisy, the judge sentences him and Buck to jail. Eddie escapes from jail, intending to take revenge on Ann for her actions against him. He leaps into her car as she is driving home, so she goes directly to a party rather than to her house. Eddie makes the best of the situation, and they have such a good time dancing that by the end of the evening, they are in love. Meanwhile, the milk company hires gun-carrying gangsters to ride on the trucks. When they are stopped by the farmers, Benson, one of the farmers, is killed. After dropping Eddie back at the jail, Ann drives by just in time to witness the shooting and is kidnapped by the gangsters. Having discovered Eddie’s departure from jail, the judge accuses him of the murder. Eddie manages another escape in order to discover the truth. He learns about the gunmen on the milk run, and examines company records to discover who was on the milk run the night Benson was shot. Through a ruse, he learns where Ann is being held and attempts to rescue her, but the gangsters stop them. Buck, who is worried about Eddie, comes looking for him and surprises the gangsters. Eddie takes advantage of their confusion to knock out the gunmen. They are aided in their escape by the other truckers and the killer is apprehended, clearing the way for Ann and Eddie to get married. More on Wikipedia or Mubi

Watch The St. Louis Kid (1934)